A No-Brainer: Document Prep Acceleration

Document Prep Acceleration

Part 1

Document Prep can be tedious, demanding, and downright monotonous, but it will always be essential. Some things, however, are better left to the professionals! Fast, accurate, and cost-effective process acceleration can be achieved with the right approach.

Documentation reviews take up significant amounts of time for those performing Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs) and other Legal or Medico-Legal case management. Many times, IME clinicians, attorneys, and professionals waste too much of their valuable time sorting through mountains of paperwork to find the most important snippets of relevant case information.

To relieve such labor-intensive tasks and create more time to focus on examinees and clients instead of paperwork, IKS Health’s Document Prep services transforms unorganized medical and legal case information into easy navigable documents. Our customers are able to spend more quality time focusing on their clients and being better prepared with their cases rather than thumbing through and organizing documentation.

We relieve the worry if you have the right bill to document the right medical service or if the wrong claimant’s information was mixed up in the sorted filing stack of papers you reviewed at 3 A.M.

Here are three easy ways to increase the value of your case files and the way they are prepared for review. IKS rips through the red tape and makes the process of digital documentation prep effortless. After all, papercuts are so last century.

1. Tell a Story

Each claim tells a story. Challenges often arise for case reviewers when they are unable to see the full picture – meaning, when the documents are so unorganized there is not a timeline of events.  It’s key to see the bigger picture – starting first with the prehistory of the examinee, then the accident report, then an incident report, any interrogatories, previous IME and so forth. Digital document prep with a hyperlinked table of contents brings the story into focus.

Inconsistent sorting, or sorting that potentially buries key details, forces reviewers to search for content that, if presented properly, would help them reach proper conclusions more efficiently. IME reviewers use the technique of effortful processing, highlighting details like date, facility, frequency, and the event.

Effortful processing provides a challenge to IME reviewers, as it affects retrieval processes. The human brain relies on recall, recognition, and re-learning of details, such as a cover letter for the claimant and examinee report. IME cover letters outline the story of the claimant, specifically highlighting the details of the claims summary and incorporating key questions for the clinician to answer in their examination.

Because IME clinicians deal with heavy amounts of documentation and dense, often duplicated content, they spend more time practicing their recall for details, their recognition of important files, and re-learning of the contents than they do processing the complete story those details describe. Often, reviewers need to rely on sorting techniques to help them ease the burden of effortful processing.

IME clinicians connect details to patterned reading, a type of speed reading that is helpful for speed of review, which helps the reviewer organize their thoughts and the material while the file is reviewed.

For example, Congress has bills of 2,000 or more documents; if legislators read the entire bill, they may not digest all the content if the content is not actively engaging with the reader, via effortful processing within the readers’ brain. IKS provides fast and consistent document prep services with the reviewer’s thought process in mind, so the story behind decision-driving is clearly delivered.

Our fully customizable Document Prep services offer the ability to connect details to patterned reading, effortful processing, and consistent sorting, providing a complete story. Tune in next week for Part Two, where we discuss irrelevant documentation and digitization!

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